Saturday, June 23, 2007

Understanding Kiwis 101 - The "Bugger"Ad

This TV ad for the Toyota HiLux from a few years ago really does a great job of capturing both the Kiwi spirit and sense of humour.

No words of explanation are really necessary.

And if you don't get it, you can just Bugger Off!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Luxury 10 seater tour van offers great benefits

We support all of our guided tours with a luxury 10 seater tour mini-coach (and support trailer), rather than the more usual "luggage only van" that most tour operators use. The 10 seater mini-coach offers significant benefits for both our clients and ourselves, your guides.

If you'd like to tour New Zealand by motorcycle, but have a friend, partner or family member who doesn't enjoy motorcycling very often, (or perhaps at all), then they can ride in our luxury support coach with the guide - as often or as little as they'd like. So you can safely bring your non-motorcycling wife, girlfriend, or perhaps parent(s), and feel assured they they are going to enjoy themselves in the van with the guide, as you will on the bike.

Also, the coach enables us to transport the entire group to that special little restaurant after they've arrived at the day's lodging and had a beer or wine (or two ). Without the multi-seater coach, we'd be forced to choose boring motels or hotels with in-house restaurants... or at the least, require the group to put on their bike gear again and ride to dinner.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tour with GoTourNZ and go home fitter and lighter!

The record for the most weight gained by a member on one of our guided tours stands at 9lbs. Yes, there's a lot of great food, fantastic wines and fab boutique brews, and you are on vacation... but it needn't mean you're going to have to go on a diet of Lettuce Soup when you get home.

On some of our guided tours, you can take advantage of our free health and fitness programme. John is a keen runner and takes an interest in general health and fitness. He needs to - an occupational hazard for a guide a slow, steady weight gain each season, courtesy of too many great restaurants meals. Clients who are into training and fitness are welcome to go for a run or exercise with John each morning before breakfast. In every place we stay at, we generally have a great running route mapped out. Additionally, John's interest in his own health has led him to research and experiment with various diets and eating styles until he found one that worked for him. If you're interested, he's more than happy to share his experience.

Taking a vacation needn't automatically mean you'll need to diet and do penance when you get home. Here's what one of our clients said recently:

Hey John,
Just wanted to thank you again for giving me the knowledge and tools to take control of my weight and fitness. If it wasn't for the daily runs, diet change, and The Ministry of Silly Walks (our morning lower body strength workout), I would probably still be struggling.

When I arrived in NZ in January, I was about 186lbs (84 kilos). As of today, I'm down to 161lbs (73 kilos), less than 12% body fat, I feel great, AND I'm still eating as much food as I really care to (I'm just eating a proper balance per the diet).

Thanks again,
Dave Pullen

Friday, June 8, 2007

Success in the States

The BMW MOA rally held in Wisconsin was a huge success with a great attendance level - Ian, John, Joanne and Jesse attended the rally and met up with many old friends and hopefully have made some new ones - there was a lot of interest in touring New Zealand by many people from all over the US.

Two lucky people won a 12 day Best Value tour of New Zealand by attending our seminars at the rally, and we will be posting their pics and details on the blog soon.

The New Zealand dollar has fallen 5c this past week against the US and other currencies, so if you are planning a trip to New Zealand this year, now is the time to book! Tourism figures from all over New Zealand are showing signs of another huge year from visitors to our country - so do think about planning ahead.

There is limited room on some tours through November, January and February - so c'mon over !! Email Ian for more details....

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

BMW Rally in USA

Winter has finally arrived in Godzone, with snow covering the peaks of some
of the mountains surrounding us with the subsequent drop in temperature arriving

We are now focusing our sights on our marketing trip to the US and heading
off to summer in the Northern Hemisphere this July - Ian, Jesse, John and Joanne
are heading to Wisconsin to attend the BMWMOA rally at West Bend which takes
place July 12th -15th.

If you are planning to be there, or would like to meet us, we would really
appreciate that - we will have a booth at the rally site and be doing two seminars
to tell potential travellers to New Zealand about how they can do this and why
they should be touring with us... as well, if you come to our seminars you have
the chance to win one of two free 12 day tours that we are giving away at the

Tours are filling fast, so if you are planning a visit this coming season then
lets get talking as you will need to plan ahead, especially flights and accommodation..

Hope to hear from you soon...