Winter has finally arrived in Godzone, with snow covering the peaks of some
of the mountains surrounding us with the subsequent drop in temperature arriving
We are now focusing our sights on our marketing trip to the US and heading
off to summer in the Northern Hemisphere this July - Ian, Jesse, John and Joanne
are heading to Wisconsin to attend the BMWMOA rally at West Bend which takes
place July 12th -15th.
If you are planning to be there, or would like to meet us, we would really
appreciate that - we will have a booth at the rally site and be doing two seminars
to tell potential travellers to New Zealand about how they can do this and why
they should be touring with us... as well, if you come to our seminars you have
the chance to win one of two free 12 day tours that we are giving away at the
Tours are filling fast, so if you are planning a visit this coming season then
lets get talking as you will need to plan ahead, especially flights and accommodation..
Hope to hear from you soon...